E&ES Solution: Helping Businesses Thrive Amidst Economic Uncertainty
Where is this economy going? And what will the employment market look like?
Buried in the Summary of Economic Projections from the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Committee, you’ll find their projections for economic growth, inflation, interest, and unemployment.
While your hiring for key positions has struggled in today’s tight labor market, most of us were expecting unemployment to rise – significantly – as the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to slow the economy.
But that’s not what the Fed expects.
Chari Powell said: “The median unemployment rate projection in the SEP rises from 3.8 percent at the end of this year to 4.1 percent over the next two years.”
And that means it will continue to be difficult to hire for your business needs.
But E&ES has the solution – thousands of qualified candidates and access to training and hiring funding to help you find and retain candidates to help your business grow.
Consider this your invitation to know more about what WIOA can do for you and your business.
Yes, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is federal legislation designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers.
However, WIOA is also designed to help employers hire and retain skilled workers.
And Employment & Employer Services (E&ES) is a leading provider of WIOA services through our American Job Centers.
Find the help you need to navigate today’s tight labor market and fill the key positions you need to succeed!