Stability and growth for CHA residents through two career journeys

Amelia and Georgia demonstrate how career coaching and support services can have a transformative impact on Chicago residents seeking stable and fulfilling employment.

Through the Employment Placement Services (EPS) program at E&ES, Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) residents and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) holders overcome obstacles, gain valuable skills, and secure positions that provide financial stability while setting the foundation for a successful career.

Amelia’s Journey from Struggle to Success

Amelia faced a common challenge: finding employment in a career she loved.

As determined as she was, she struggled to find a job that matched her skills and passion.

Amelia heard about EPS at E&ES through the Department of Family Support Services (DFSS). She joined because she liked the idea of having a dedicated Career Coach to help her revamp her resume to highlight her strengths and experiences more effectively.

“I knew my Career Coach would help me find a job; I didn’t expect to receive support with interview techniques, workplace tips, and even strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution.”

Through EPS, Amelia was introduced to a job fair, where she was offered a temporary part-time position with the Board of Elections, providing her with both income and experience. While this role was a step forward, Amelia knew she needed a permanent, full-time position to truly achieve her career goals.

Amelia started her new role as a case manager trainee.

In January, Amelia applied for a Social Service Career Trainee Caseworker position with the Illinois Department of Human Services. By March, she had received the news she had been waiting for—she was offered a job! The opportunity was more than just a job; it was a significant milestone in Amelia’s career. She was hired as a Social Service Career Trainee Caseworker, earning $49,320 annually with full benefits.

The support Amelia received from E&ES didn’t stop there. Her Career Coach provided her with referrals for professional clothing and transportation reimbursement. With the support of her Career Coach and scholarships from the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), Amelia was able to complete her graduate degree in public administration—a key qualification for her new role.

Today, Amelia is thriving in her position at the Illinois Department of Human Services. She loves her job and is grateful for the resources and guidance that the EPS program provided to help her secure her future.

Amelia is now preparing to transition from public housing to homeownership, marking the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

How E&ES Helps Georgia Secure a Stable Career

Georgia had spent years working seasonal jobs as a concession stand worker while also serving as an ambassador for fellow residents in her CHA community. She enjoyed these roles, and she was ready to turn her job skills into a career pathway.

“I just needed more consistency and stability in my work.” Georgia turned to Employment Placement Services (EPS) at E&ES for support.

She partnered with a Career Coach who helped her enhance her job search. Her coach guided her on ways to update her resume to better reflect her skills and experiences. Her Career Coach helped her prepare for job opportunities so that she would feel confident and ready to impress.

The hard work paid off when Georgia was offered the position on the spot after a successful job interview.

Georgia’s Career Coach even helped her with necessary work attire, including pants and shoes. Georgia was thrilled to start her new position and she was grateful for her Career Coach’s help. She was able to start this new chapter in her career with confidence and enthusiasm.

Georgia received clothing and transportation support from her Career Coach.